Source of data

The diagrams in the Climate Diagram World Atlas are created with the temperature and precipitation data from The Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) maintained by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administation (NOAA) of the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).

There are over 25,000 weather stations with more than 10 years of temperature and precipitation data have been plotted in this map.

How to read the diagrams

Abscissa (horizonal axis): Shows the months from January to December for the diagrams on the northern hemisphere; for those on the southern hemisphere, the months shown on the abscissa are from July to June. By this arrangement, the warm season of the year is always in the center of the diagrams. Ordinate (vertical axis): The first dash-mark upwards represents 10 and 20 mm, respectively. The symbols on the diagrams have the following meaning (hover over the annotations to see the captions):


Station name

Height above sea level in meters

Number of years with records
(temperature; precipitation)

Mean annual temperature (°C)

Mean annual precipitation (mm)

Relatively humid season
(vertical hatching)

Curve of mean monthly temperatures
(one scale interval = 10°C)

Relatively droughty season

Curve of mean monthly precipitation
(one scale interval = 20 mm)

Curve of mean monthly temperatures
(one scale interval = 10°C)

Curve of mean monthly precipitation
(one scale interval = 20 mm)

Mean monthly precipitation in excess of 100mm

Curve of mean monthly temperatures
(one scale interval = 10°C)

Curve of mean monthly precipitation
(one scale interval = 20 mm)

Relatively droughty season

Relatively humid season

Months with absolute minimum temperatures under 0°C

Months with mean daily minimum under 0°C

Absolute minimum temperature

Mean daily minimum temperature of the coldest month

Curve of mean monthly temperatures
(one scale interval = 10°C)

Curve of mean monthly precipitation
(one scale interval = 20 mm)

Relatively droughty season

a: Station name b: Height above sea level in meters
c: Number of years with records (temp;precip) d: Mean annual temperature (°C)
e: Mean annual precipitation (mm) f: Mean daily minimum temperature of the coldest month
g: Absolute minimum temperature k: Curve of mean monthly temperatures
l: Curve of mean monthly precipitation m: Relatively droughty season
n: Relatively humid season o: Mean monthly precipitation in excess of 100mm
q: Months with mean daily minimum under 0°C r: Months with absolute minimum temperatures under 0°C